Friday, April 11, 2008

Time for the change

Well I think the boys are about to switch to one nap a day. All week long they have only been sleeping 20 or 30 minutes in the morning. This makes me sad that they are getting big enough to only need the one nap a day, but it also makes me happy because we will now be able to get out and do more especially this summer. I can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can start going to the park and going for walks like everyday. I haven't been feeling the greatest this week so I've been wanting to nap during their nap every morning, but of course that hasn't happened since they haven't been sleeping. I am still trying to figure out what kind of eating schedule the boys want to be on right now. I don't want to force them into a schedule, but at the same time I want to force them into a schedule. Anyway, morning nap time seems to be over already once again.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


So, life is getting interesting. Andy is starting to crawl better now which has been a lot of fun. He is getting into everything (well not quite, but getting close). I am already annoyed with him pulling stuff off the coffee table, taking CDs off the shelf and pulling on the power cords for the laptops and cell phones. He is getting around the living room very well now it seems, but still hasn't really made it out of the living room on a constant basis yet. Thankfully! Matt is very slowly moving forward when he crawls. He moves like two scoots and then rolls. He loves to roll and get around very quickly when he does it. He has also become a pro at scooting around on his butt while he's sitting up. Look out world here we come!

They say with twins there is usually one quiet one and one that is louder and more outgoing. I see this in my uncles and my cousins that are twins and I already see it in the boys. Matt is the quiet one, but he will also be the sneaky one. Andy is the outgoing wild party man. I think Andy will know how to lie very well when he gets older. Matt won't have to lie because he won't have to because he won't get caught. Wow am I going to be screwed when they are teen agers.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I am very confused at the moment. I am trying to figure out how much I should be feeding the boys. The stuff from the doctor says they should nurse 4-5 times a day (we do 5). Then that they should have 2 1/2 jars of fruit and veggies and 1 jar of meat each day (we do the fruit and veggie but I'd only been giving them 1/2 a jar of meat because we just started that like a month ago). Then I read something on Gerber's website yesterday that said they should be having 2 1/2 to 3 jars of food (one fruit, one veggie, and one meat) at lunch and dinner and 2 jars at breakfast. That means that according to Gerber what the boys eat for an entire day is basically what they should be eating in one meal (just barely over). I can't decide if I should really believe what Gerber's website says since of course they would make money from making people think their child needs to eat that much baby food. I know I can't increase their food that much that quickly. I thought I was buying a lot of baby food already and now I find out that I really do need to increase their food at least a little it's amazing. I wish I had bought stock in Gerber a year ago because at least then I would be increasing the worth of my own stock while I'm buying all of this food. Oh well, not much longer and they can really switch over to mostly table foods. I can't believe they are 10 months old already. It goes so fast.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jumperoo fun

I bought a jumperoo for the boys yesterday at that consignment sale I had talked about earlier. Oh my gosh! They love it! I would have bought them a jumperoo a long time ago if i had known they would love it this much. It is so funny to watch them jumping in it. They both act so differently in it. Andy jumps on his tip toes and really gets flying in it (I knew he would). Matt is more conservative about the whole thing and jumps very flat footed. Matt spends more time playing with the toy on the front of it and Andy has barely touched the toy. It is so funny how different their personalities are becoming. I can see in the future Andy will be the wild, out-going party type and Matt will be the shy, quiet boy that no one would ever suspect would do anything wrong. I can't wait to see who they really grow into. I love them both so very, very much. They are wonderful little boys and I am so lucky to have both of them.