Thursday, January 31, 2008

Baby food

Well after having gone grocery shopping last night and spending $50 in baby food alone (for a two week supply) I have come to a decision. I am going to attempt to make some of my own baby food now. The boys are getting to the point where they can eat some chunkier foods and they love cheerios so I feel confident that they will be able to adjust to home made baby food. I am in the middle of researching all of it, but it seems very easy to do. I will however continue to buy the baby food meat for now since they are going to be introduced to that this weekend. I will be posting links to sites that have good baby food recipes and I will keep you up to date. My plan right now is to buy frozen or organic fresh produce (as it comes into season) for the boys. I actually gave each of them a few bites of my banana this morning with breakfast and they loved it! I can't believe they are getting so big. Matt and Andy will be 8 months old tomorrow. WOW how time flies! Gotta go. More later.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Car rides

Over the weekend we took a car trip to Wichita to visit my parents. I love car rides and so far the boys seem pretty ok with them too. At this point the boys seem to sleep almost the whole trip I know that won't last much longer, but for now it's really nice. We just got a minivan so it makes the trip much nicer. I can ride in the back of the van and nurse the boys so we don't have to stop to do it. Then we take turns and spend sometime in the back seat playing and talking to the boys. We have been trying to keep them awake for half the trip so that they sleep at night when we get to Wichita or back home. I am already trying to find the parks in the little towns along the way so a year from now I know where to stop so the boys can run off their extra energy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A day in the life

Hello again! The thing I have found most important about being the mother of twins (especially when they are babies) is to keep them on a schedule. I very much believe that babies are happier when they are kept on a schedule. I guess I don't really mean schedule as much as I mean a routine. I think it really helps them to know that after they have a bottle they get their diaper changed and then they have baby food then they play then they take a nap and when they get up the cycle starts all over again. In my case life has actually gotten to a time schedule for the most part to (but I am flexible if the times need to change for some reason). The boys usually wake up between 7 and 7:30 and I nurse them. Then I eat my breakfast and then give them their breakfast cereal. We play until 9:30ish and then it's nap time for the boys. Usually they wake up around 11 and they nurse again. Then I eat my lunch and give the boys their lunch. We then play more until 1:30 or 2 when the boys nurse and take a nap again. They wake up between 3:30 and 4 and play for a little bit. They nurse again and then I make dinner for Corey and I. The boys get their dinner around 7ish. We play, take baths, nurse again, have story time and go to bed around 9. Then I finally get to rest. This is the schedule that works for us and we pretty much stick to it. The most important thing I think when you are talking about twins is to feed them on the same schedule! It's a lot easier to remember that the boys ate at 9:30 rather than someone ate at 9 and someone ate at 10:30 but i don't remember which was which. Plus then you can actually get some other stuff done between feedings and not spend all day feeding (but it will still feel like that). This does sometimes mean that you will have to wake a sleeping baby to feed him because it's time and/or because the other baby just ate.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cold, Snowy Days

Hello! How do you entertain your kids and yourself when it's cold and snowy outside? I have no idea. I am struggling with what to do while it is too cold to take the boys outside. Since my boys are too young to go play in the snow I never get outside. I am going stir crazy staying inside all the time with no one to talk to. Don't get me wrong I now love being a stay at home mom, but I miss adult interaction!!! I can't wait until the weather gets nicer and I can take the boys out for walks and spend time with other people. Well, maybe I'll come up with some creative ideas for little ones some how.

In other BIG news...Matt got his first tooth yesterday!!! Go Matthew! I'll post more later.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Hi all! Today the boys got the second half of their flu shot. They did amazingly well and I was very surprised. They usually have a hard time with shots like all kids. I have found a few helpful hints for dealing with shots. First and foremost is give them some pain reliever medicine (Tylenol) about 45 minutes before your appointment and continue to give it to them every 6 hours for the next day or so. Usually they will get the same set of shots at the 2 month, 4 month, and 6 month check-ups so if they are ok after the first set they should be ok after all three sets. With twins you should ask the nurses to "double team" the kids. Have them work on one child together and each take a leg and give the shots. Then you can comfort that one child for a few minutes before the other one is done. Other things to consider are that your child will probably be crabby for the next day or two so try and spend some extra time cuddling them (plus you'll probably feel guilty for making them get the shots). Another tip is after you get home put and cold wash cloth or ice pack on the spots where they gave the shots (this will help to deaden the pain and lessen and swelling).

I also decided today that I was sick of lugging two car seat carriers with me everywhere. I know I can't carry both of them in my arms so I left one of them in the carrier and carried the other one. I don't know how I will get anywhere between now the time they learn to walk. How do other moms of twins do it?

Please keep checking back as I develop my skills as a blogger and get this website up and running. Thanks!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Hi! I am the mom of 7 month old twin boys. I'm starting this blog to talk about this new adventure in my life. As a part of this adventure I have decided to now be a stay at home mom after having juggled being a working mom. If you have any questions about what it's like to raise twins or being pregnant with them let me know and I'll address them.