Thursday, January 31, 2008

Baby food

Well after having gone grocery shopping last night and spending $50 in baby food alone (for a two week supply) I have come to a decision. I am going to attempt to make some of my own baby food now. The boys are getting to the point where they can eat some chunkier foods and they love cheerios so I feel confident that they will be able to adjust to home made baby food. I am in the middle of researching all of it, but it seems very easy to do. I will however continue to buy the baby food meat for now since they are going to be introduced to that this weekend. I will be posting links to sites that have good baby food recipes and I will keep you up to date. My plan right now is to buy frozen or organic fresh produce (as it comes into season) for the boys. I actually gave each of them a few bites of my banana this morning with breakfast and they loved it! I can't believe they are getting so big. Matt and Andy will be 8 months old tomorrow. WOW how time flies! Gotta go. More later.

1 comment:

JenL said...

I too am the mother of twin boys (8 months). I've taken to buying baby food from Sam's Club, but I don't think the price is any better than the grocery store. I've seriously considered making my own food too; however, I had a friend who tried it who said it wasn't worth it - the work for the cost difference. She was making food for one baby though, not two. I am very interested in hearing how it turns out for you.