Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A day in the life

Hello again! The thing I have found most important about being the mother of twins (especially when they are babies) is to keep them on a schedule. I very much believe that babies are happier when they are kept on a schedule. I guess I don't really mean schedule as much as I mean a routine. I think it really helps them to know that after they have a bottle they get their diaper changed and then they have baby food then they play then they take a nap and when they get up the cycle starts all over again. In my case life has actually gotten to a time schedule for the most part to (but I am flexible if the times need to change for some reason). The boys usually wake up between 7 and 7:30 and I nurse them. Then I eat my breakfast and then give them their breakfast cereal. We play until 9:30ish and then it's nap time for the boys. Usually they wake up around 11 and they nurse again. Then I eat my lunch and give the boys their lunch. We then play more until 1:30 or 2 when the boys nurse and take a nap again. They wake up between 3:30 and 4 and play for a little bit. They nurse again and then I make dinner for Corey and I. The boys get their dinner around 7ish. We play, take baths, nurse again, have story time and go to bed around 9. Then I finally get to rest. This is the schedule that works for us and we pretty much stick to it. The most important thing I think when you are talking about twins is to feed them on the same schedule! It's a lot easier to remember that the boys ate at 9:30 rather than someone ate at 9 and someone ate at 10:30 but i don't remember which was which. Plus then you can actually get some other stuff done between feedings and not spend all day feeding (but it will still feel like that). This does sometimes mean that you will have to wake a sleeping baby to feed him because it's time and/or because the other baby just ate.

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