Friday, January 18, 2008


Hi all! Today the boys got the second half of their flu shot. They did amazingly well and I was very surprised. They usually have a hard time with shots like all kids. I have found a few helpful hints for dealing with shots. First and foremost is give them some pain reliever medicine (Tylenol) about 45 minutes before your appointment and continue to give it to them every 6 hours for the next day or so. Usually they will get the same set of shots at the 2 month, 4 month, and 6 month check-ups so if they are ok after the first set they should be ok after all three sets. With twins you should ask the nurses to "double team" the kids. Have them work on one child together and each take a leg and give the shots. Then you can comfort that one child for a few minutes before the other one is done. Other things to consider are that your child will probably be crabby for the next day or two so try and spend some extra time cuddling them (plus you'll probably feel guilty for making them get the shots). Another tip is after you get home put and cold wash cloth or ice pack on the spots where they gave the shots (this will help to deaden the pain and lessen and swelling).

I also decided today that I was sick of lugging two car seat carriers with me everywhere. I know I can't carry both of them in my arms so I left one of them in the carrier and carried the other one. I don't know how I will get anywhere between now the time they learn to walk. How do other moms of twins do it?

Please keep checking back as I develop my skills as a blogger and get this website up and running. Thanks!

1 comment:

JenL said...

I know exactly what you meant about getting two babies out and about at the same time! My boys go to daycare, so that was the major "how-to" when considering moving both boys from a vehicle into a building and back again without carriers. It was even harder since they had both outgrown the weight limit on the carrier by 7 months. What we ended up doing was carrying a lightweight collapsible side-by-side double stroller. Jeep makes one for under $100. (This is a rip-off since single umbrella style strollers can be purchased for $20) If you come up with a more effective method, please share!! It takes me over 20 min. to get all three of my children out of daycare in the afternoon and strapped into their respective car seats.