Friday, February 1, 2008


Well I've made it 8 months breastfeeding two hungry little boys. I can't believe how much they've grown. I hope I can keep going until they are 1 and can go onto milk. I can not even imagine how much I would be spending on formula right now if I was giving them bottles. That is the best thing about staying home now is that I don't have to worry about nursing them while I am at work. I still miss the adult interaction of work, but I love getting to spend more time with my sons. I love breastfeeding and know that it is the best choice for the health of my sons, but I think I am mostly motivated to do it because of the cost of formula. I really think they have been less sick this year because of it. I just can't wait until they are 1 and I won't have to nurse them anymore. It's very hard to get away to do anything. I guess there is a part of me that wouldn't mind still nursing them a little after they turn 1, but I only want to do it like once a day so that I can get away. I know they could have a bottle and I have frozen milk for them, but I HATE pumping so I don't know if I will ever use the frozen milk I have. I congratulations to all of the breastfeeding mommies out there (even if you are nursing just one) it's hard work, but it's well worth it!!! Keep on breastfeeding!

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