Sunday, February 10, 2008

Trying homemade baby food

Well, we tried a jar of the homemade baby food peas the other night and they didn't go over so well. I don't know if I just didn't blend it enough or what, but they didn't like it at all. I think I might try it again because I still have some in the freezer and I'll just throw them in the blender a little more before I feed it to them. I can't really decide if I want to try again anyway. There isn't the HUGE savings I had hoped there would be from it. I spent like $1.50 on the bag of peas and got one full ice cube tray of peas plus 2 other jars of food. I decided that it will take 4 ice cubes to equal 1 jar of food so the ice cube tray will make 4 more jars of food. So, I have 6 jars of food which would be 3 of the 2 packs. I guess it is like half the price, but if they aren't going to eat it as well then is it really worth it. I might try again in a couple of months when they are 10-11 months old and will be eating more of the solid foods anyway. Well, it was worth a shot but not as successful as I had hoped. Anyway, more later.

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