Friday, March 14, 2008

Life is funny sometimes

Life is crazy. One day it seems to be going sooooo fast and the next day life is dragging on forever. I started thinking about the boys turning one in two and a half months. I was thinking about what kind of birthday party we're going to have for them. I started to realize that they are almost one and it seems like only yesterday that we brought them home from the hospital. I can't believe how big they are getting. Now, today the day won't end. It's Friday and I want so bad for Corey to get home and our weekend as a family to start, but every 2 minutes feels like 2 hours.

Why won't babies nap on a consistent basis? They sleep every night until 7 in the morning no matter what time they went to bed. Why is it that one day they will take two two hour naps and the next day it's two half hour naps? Of course it's always the days that I want to take a nap that they take the half hour naps.

We went to the park again yesterday. This time we went to a park that had swings so the boys got to try out the swings. They went down the slide again and played in the sand. Andy loves to play with the sand and feel it in his hands. He sat there for 15 minutes running his hands through it and letting it run through his hands. Matt wasn't as impressed with the sand this time. He just had this look like "yeah I've seen this before." They are so cute and so different. I can totally see their individual personalities already. With my experience in daycare I knew they would be developing their personalities already, but they are so different I can't believe they both came from Corey and I. Matt (who looks the most like Corey) totally has his laid back personality. Andy (who looks like me) has my I gotta go and always need attention personality. I guess both of our mothers got what they wished for when we were little when they said "I hope someday you have a child just like you." I guess you get what you wish for (maybe just not at the time you want it).

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