Monday, March 17, 2008

There's always room for jello

Happy St. Patty's Day! We had my favorite thing in the whole wide world for dinner tonight...lime jello with pears. I gave the boys a little bit to eat/play with. Andy tried it and seemed to like it, but then he spit it all back out (in the form of a raspberry). Matt would not try it at all. I just put put some on his highchair and he touched it then shot me this look that could only say, "what the heck is this stuff?" It was so cute. Andy didn't really play with it but every time he'd try and pick it up to eat it the jello just fell through his fingers and confused him.

I can't believe how many new foods the boys are eating now. They had graham crackers for the first time tonight. They love cheese and yogurt. They eat a lot of crackers, cheerios, and the Gerber puffs. I gave them a couple of bites of my blueberry waffle this morning which they seemed to like. I have to be careful what all I give them because Matt only has two teeth and can't chew a lot of things, but Andy can chew more because he has 5 teeth. I don't really want to give Andy new foods and not Matt so I am taking it slow. I know they are only 9 months old so they shouldn't really be eating a ton of table food, but the more table food I can give them the less I have to spend on baby food. I've tried the whole making my own baby food and have decided I should just give up. It really isn't all that hard or anything, but the boys just don't eat it that well. Maybe I just don't puree it enough or something, but it doesn't doesn't work out like I think it should in the end. Oh well only a couple more months of mostly baby food and then it will be just a little baby food and mostly table food.

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