Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Well today sucked. I haven't been feeling well today. I don't know any mom does it, taking care of her children when she is sick. I got to feeling better as the day went on, but I really don't know how I would have made it through the day if I had been really sick (like I thought I was going to be).

I can't wait for Easter. We're going back to Wichita to be with my family for Easter. I can't wait. Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. I don't like it for the bunnies and candy , but I love it for the religious aspects of the holiday. I love Holy Week! It is such a wonderful inspiration of faith and reminder of how we should be living our lives everyday. I once heard a quote and I don't remember where it was from but it said, "Do you believe that had you been the only person on earth that Jesus still would have died just for you?" I had never really thought about it like that before, but I really think he would have done that. I don't think that I would deserve that kind of treatment. I wish I could say that I lived my life so that I deserved to be saved by Jesus should I be the only person on earth. I am reminded of this every year and I try to live my life a little better every year so I don't feel so guilty the next year. It is occurring to me as I write this that this year that it is no longer just my eternal well being that is in my hands, but also the well being of my sons. I have thought that I have some responsibility for Corey's eternal life since we met, but at the same time I have always figured well he's an adult and it's his business were he ends up for eternity. But at the same time being joined as one in marriage means that we are both responsible for each other. Corey was never raised in a very Catholic home. He never really learned anything religious where as I had 13 years of Catholic eduction and I have been no better at living a good Catholic lifestyle than he has. Is it wrong for me to only be waiting to be a better Catholic because of my children? I know that being a good Catholic and having a good Catholic role model is very important for my children and maybe God knew that is what it would take for me to come back to the Church. Anyway, enough religious rambling for now.

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