Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hello! What a beautiful day it is here today. The boys are getting moving (finally). They still aren't actually really truly crawling on hands and knees, but Andy is making circles around the living room. Andy pushes himself backwards and gets stuck under the furniture. Matt just rolls everywhere or laying on his back scoots around. They are both pulling themselves up on Corey and I. They haven't figured out how to pull up on the furniture yet (thank goodness), but they can hold on and even cruise a little if you stand them up on a piece of furniture. The other thing the boys love doing is picking on the kitty. Andy keeps trying to pull himself up on the kitty when she's laying by him. This of course doesn't work since the kitty is just a close to the ground as Andy is. So he pulls himself up to a squat and then ends up flopping over on top of Pumpkin (our kitty). Andy pulls on her tail a lot (thankfully she doesn't have any feeling in here tail). Matt just pulls on her fur a little, but is much more gentle than Andy. I love having twins!!! They are soooooo cute together and teaching each other bad habits already.

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