Sunday, March 30, 2008

The power of a comfort item

WOW! I am amazed at the power of a comfort item to a baby. We went to a friend's house for the evening last night and put the boys' down for bed while we were over there. They aren't use to sleeping in their Pack'n play cribs because we rarely use them. When we first laid them down they were screaming bloody murder. We have started keeping a set of Puppy dog blankies in the car that are very similar to the teddy bear blankies they sleep with all the time at home. I ran out to the car to grab the blankies and as soon as we gave them the blankies they were both quite and fell right asleep. I am amazed at how comforting that little blankie was. I think it can really help a child to have something like that. However, you do have to be careful that they are old enough to be able to move it out of the way should it cover their face in the middle of the night. I always thought I would follow the new suggestion of "nothing but baby" (meaning you don't put anything else in the crib with the baby). I didn't put these blankies in their crib until they were 4 or 5 months old. Even at that age I was always going and checking on them before I went to bed and many times found their faces covered. Now, they move all over in bed so I don't really worry about them with the blankies.

Also, Matt started scooting backwards yesterday!!! Until then he'd only been able to roll over (granted he did that very well). Andy has also started doing push ups to try and crawl. He pushes up onto all fours (hands and knees) and then pushed off so his butt is in the air and his hands and feet are on the floor. He still hasn't figured out how to move forward, but I'm sure it will come soon enough. Part of me hopes he doesn't start crawling because that is the beginning of the end.

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